The next time you inadvertently crap into a Frenchman’s glasses case, please feel free to use the following tiny sample list to help you to explain to him how you came to make such an error. Similarly, the next time you find that you’ve put ink on your meatballs or that you’re being represented in a French court by tropical fruit, this little list of translations from French to English might just get you off the hook.
Lentilles = Magnifying glasses
Lentilles = Contact lenses
Lunettes = Telescopes
Lunettes = Toilet seats
Lunettes = Birds’ breastbones
Abats = Offal
Abat-jour = Lampshade
Talons = Shoe heels
Talons = Cheque stubs
Pomme = Head of lettuce
Pomme = Potato (even without “de terre”)
Pâté = Pie
Pâté = Inkblot
Pâté = Sandcastle
Pâte = Pasta
Pâte = Pastry
Pâte = Paste
Pâte = Batter
Pâte = Dough
Patte = Animal’s paw
Patte = Animal’s leg
Pat = Stalemate
Pâté de maisons = A city block
Pâté Impérial = Egg roll
Avocat = Lawyer
Mais = “But….”
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